Frontenac 249

Request Form

Frontenac Parent Teacher Organization Funds Request Form


Amount Requested:

Requestor Name:

Requestor Email Address:

Number of Students Benefitting:

Description of Request:


1. PTO meetings will be the first Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. unless otherwise determined.

2. Fund request forms should be submitted to the PTO President electronically or be put in the PTO mailbox at least one week in advance for consideration at the next scheduled meeting.

3. The person requesting the funds or his/her representative should be present at the meeting to answer any questions pertaining to the request.

4. The requestor is responsible to supply the vendor, item selected and cost of shipping at the meeting.

5. The PTO officers reserve the right to research any request for a similar item that costs less.

6. A request may be tabled and /or denied if no representative is present.

7. If a request is tabled, it will be considered old business at the next scheduled meeting. If a request is denied, a new request will have to be submitted.

8. A receipt/invoice is required for all approved requests.

9. There is a yearly budget of $3,000 for all classroom requests.

10. Classroom requests will be honored based upon a first-come-first serve basis.